1 Year Executive(Online) Program
Modern life is dependent on things provided by Industry. The curriculum honours expectations of the Industry. The Industries employ the successful candidates in the Management Cadre in Safety, Health and Environment at the level of Safety Professionals as required under the Environment Protection Act, enlisting Legislation and other Acts in various capacities like Consultant, Expert Safety Auditor under the Statutes of the Government of India and Govt. of Gujarat. Supervisory/Inspector cadre, as management cadre which has respect in the society.
This curriculum is designed to develop professionals who demonstrate not just strong problem-solving acumen and analytical skills but also great interpersonal skills. The student of this course imbibes in them a sense of ownership towards the business and the society at large. Curriculum through this course gives insights for managing Safety, Health & Environment in industries and this helps to develop safe work culture in industries & in societies.
To induce lifelong learning knowledge skills, attitudes for social & personal development.
- To provide trained Human Resource.
- To provide leadership qualities.
- To create awareness of “The Quality of Life Protection” through Safety, Health and Environment.
- To create awareness of hazards & operational hazards.
- To assist in development of new methods & process of Safety, Health and Environment skills and analytical techniques.
- To develop managerial abilities and analytical skills, training, communicate with the community and interaction with government and statutory authorities
- To train the people concerned.
Why this PROGRAM
This is a short-term skill-based program. Demand of Environment, Health and Safety professionals is increasingly growing in Industries across the globe. The rapid advancement in technology and extensive automation in industries such as Engineering Industries, Chemical, Petrochemical, Construction activities, etc. have led to convoluted Health, Safety and Environmental problems in these industries. Hence, to cope with these issues the industry requires skilled safety professionals at their place. Recognizing this need; the short-term course Post-Graduation Diploma in Industrial Environment, Health and Safety program is tailored to meet these industrial requirements.
The curriculum is designed based on the Environment, Health and Safety requirements that are covered from a wide spectrum of international and national legislation. By completing this program, one will be able to practice workplace compliance, including labour, inspection and auditing, public and worker safety, and environmental protection. The program offers a unique comprehensive combination of industrial practices in all aspects of environmental compliance as well as health and safety, which will give a superior edge to the peers while hiring. By acquiring knowledge through this course one will expertise in inspection and investigation relating to occupational health and safety legislation and environmental law. This course will enable to plan and implement training to create a safe work environment and learn the legal aspects and procedures of inspection, monitoring, investigation and enforcement. This program will provide the perfect platform to become Industry-ready Graduate.
Salient Features of Program
- Learning from experienced faculties and leading industrial experts
- Courses are designed based on National and International legislation, which will make one internationally job-ready
- All applied knowledge-based assignments
- Electives within and across discipline
- 4-month Industrial Practices in EHS, which will make one Industry-ready.
Program Structure

- 1. EHS Management and Control
- 2. EHS in Engineering Industries
- 3. Environment and Disaster Management
- 4. EHS Legislation, Standards and Audit
- 5. Fire Safety and Explosion Control
- 6. Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Health
- 7. Elective 1 option
- Safety in Construction Industry
- Safety in Petroleum Industry
- 8. Elective 2 option
- Chemical and Process Safety Management
- Safety in Textile and Pharmaceutical Industry
- 9. Project (Industry Internship)
- Safety Steward
- Safety Instructor
- Safety Supervisor
- Safety Officer
- Safety Manager
- Safety Auditor
- Industrial Safety and Management
- Fire Safety and Management
- Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Health
- Environmental Legislation, ISO Standards and Audit
- Sustainability and Recent Trends of the EHS Field